The logo for the mala 'la health service aboriginal corporation

Child Health

Child Health

Located: Manayingkarirra Primary Health Care Centre

Post: PO Box 136, Maningrida 0822 NT


Phone: 0889 795 930

The child health program is staffed by two Registered Nurses and two community workers.

The child health team are responsible for the health and well being needs of children and their families as they transition from the HU5 program through adolescence and into adult hood.

They work closely with the HU5 team, women’ health, men’s health and midwifery to ensure all the developmental needs are catered for.

The team manage the daily walk ins to the clinic and acute presentations as well as looking after other folios such as:

  • Follow up medications
  • Vulnerable children
  • Immunisations
  • Chronic and complex case management

The team also work closely with visiting specialists and allied health to facilitate support as needed, these include:

  • Visiting paediatric clinics
  • Visiting paediatric cardiology
  • Hearing
  • Dental
  • Allied health; physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech pathology.

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