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Rheumatic heart disease

Rheumatic heart disease

Located: Manayingkarírra Primary Health Centre

Post: PO Box 136, Maningrida 0822 NT


Phone: 0427 183 778

This program is staffed by 2 rheumatic heart disease nurses and 2 community workers.

Maningrida has one of the highest rates of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in the Northern Territory. Rheumatic heart disease is a preventable disease! In recognition of this, we have created a program that seeks to address the primordial causes of RHD whilst actively treating those currently diagnosed.

Our rheumatic heart disease program:

  • Promotes and supports healthy lifestyles in the community through education, and the promotion of Healthy Homes
  • Prevents/delays the onset of acute and chronic conditions, in particular Acute Rheumatic Fever (ARF)
  • Maximises opportunities for early detection and management of ARF
  • Promotes self-management of chronic conditions, and in particular RHD
  • Engages Community Elders and stakeholders in the design and implementation of RHD prevention activities
  • Improves collaboration and integration across all sectors including local and centralised services
  • Works with the community in addressing environmental issues related to the transmission of Group A Streptococcus (GAS) infections

Program resources

RHD Australia have a great collection of resources available:

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